5 Creative Back to School Photo Ideas

back to school

Supplies have been purchased, backpacks are ready, paperwork completed and it’s time for that first day of school.  We found these great five ways to celebrate back to school with these creative photos.

When I Grow Up  

This back to school photo requires very little props but has a big impact.  Simply find a patch of sidewalk and chalk and create a “When I Grow Up” photo.  Over the years, it will be interesting to see if your child’s choice changes or stays the same.

Create a Profile Photo

A photo is a great memory to keep but also you can add text to your photo creating a profile of a moment in time.  Naming all of their hobbies, sports, activities, favorite books and food. We kinda see this as an inexpensive way to scrapbook with instant gratification.

Graduation Date Shirt

Make your own or purchase a graduation date t-shirt and take a photo each year until graduation. It will make a great keepsake as well as measure their growth from year to year. Even if you don’t start in Kindergarten, you can start anytime and continue to watch them grow.

Picture of a Picture

Often parents will take a picture from the first day of school and then again on the last day of school for comparison. With this idea, you photograph a picture of your child holding a picture from the year before.

Candid Picture

Posing for pictures is not a top priority for middle schoolers or high schoolers, try capturing a candid shot for that first day of school. Truthfully, it might be the only one you will have of that day.

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