OBITUARY: Lynn Tomlinson


Lynn Tomlinson would like to let you know that her work here is done. She received a call, a sort of an offer you can’t refuse, for an appointment from which she will not be returning. This assignment comes with a huge sign-on bonus, a reunion with family and friends she has not seen in a long time. Job security is exactly 110 percent. Her new mission takes her to a wonderful place where she will be socializing, dancing and gardening to her heart’s content. Music, laughter and love are guaranteed. Food is delicious and you never gain an ounce.

She left detailed instructions for her daughter and friends to celebrate her mission here, which has now been completed. Low adherence to this instruction will not be tolerated. We want to let her know that she did a great job and wish her a safe journey. We will remember her smile, her warmth, her energy, her love for life, and family and friends. She worked very hard all her life. She made a difference in the lives of many. We invite you to join us and celebrate together.

She was preceded in death by her parents, Imogene and Hugh Tomlinson, Her beloved husband of 35 years, George ‘Bear’ Wesson, her sisters Judy Loudermilk and Susan Bardill and brother Joel Tomlinson.

She is survived by her daughter Gena Smith, her sister Jeanne Smith, her granddaughters, Emily Hill, Michelle Larsen, Sami Williams, Lynnsey Crummey and Hope Johnston, as well as 6 great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.

ARRANGEMENTS: Life Celebration will take place on Saturday, November 19th, at 1 p.m., at Lynn and Bear’s Home in Ashland City where part of her ashes will be spread where she lived and loved. There will be a second celebration of life in her hometown of Turtletown in the spring when the flowers are blooming. We will then take her ashes to spread on her beloved Bear’s gravesite so that not only will they be together in heaven but also on earth.


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