Bonnaroo Music Festival Canceled Due to Flooding

photo: Bonnaroo Music Festival Facebook

Bonnaroo Music Festival has been canceled. The festival was set to take place September 2 – 5 in Manchester, TN.

“We are absolutely heartbroken to announce that we must cancel Bonnaroo. While this weekend’s weather looks outstanding, currently Centeroo is waterlogged in many areas, the ground is incredibly saturated on our tollbooth paths, and the campgrounds are flooded to the point that we are unable to drive in or park vehicles safely,” organizers said.

“We have done everything in our power to try to keep the show moving forward, but Mother Nature has dealt us a tremendous amount of rain over the past 24 hours, and we have run out of options to try to make the event happen safely and in a way that lives up to the Bonnaroo experience,” they added.

Bonnaroo will issue ticket refunds to attendees within 30 days.

The festival will return in June 2022.

For the latest updates, follow Bonnaroo on Instagram.

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