City of Dickson to End Loose-leaf Pickup Season on April 14


The City of Dickson’s Public Works Department will end its loose-leaf pickup season on Friday, April 14, according to the city’s website.

After April 14, the city will pick up only leaves in biodegradable bags until the next loose-leaf season starts Nov. 1, 2023.

The city’s vacuum truck crews will complete their final passes through the city on a street-by-street rotation April 14 before the season closes. Crews will not return to a street after their final route so leaves that are not at the curb when the crews serve that street will not be picked up.

For maximum efficiency, loose leaves are picked up on a street-by-street rotation and not in response to calls, according to Public Works Director David Travis.

“To make the most effective use of our leaf season, the crews pass through the city street by street multiple times during the season,” Travis said. “It is not efficient to have the crews running around to different parts of the city in response to calls.”

According to the Public Works Department policy, loose leaves are picked up Nov. 1-April 15. Leaves should be free of brush, limbs or other debris that could damage the vacuum. Leaves must be placed at the curb or roadside without creating a traffic hazard, blocking sidewalks or closing culverts or drains. Leaves should be at least four feet from any mailbox, signpost, utility pole or other structures.

The Public Works Department will pick up leaves in biodegradable bags throughout the year. Leaves in bags should be free of brush, limbs and other debris. To schedule pickup of bagged leaves, notify the Public Works Department at 615-441-9508 or [email protected].

For more information on the City of Dickson’s leaf removal, brush removal or sanitation services, call 615-441-9508 or visit the Public Works Department page on the city’s website at


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