These are the health scores for grocery stores in Dickson County with their most recent inspection score as of December 5, 2022, according to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture’s latest available health score information.
Name | Score | Address | City | Date |
Airport Market | 96 | 2306 Sylvia Rd | Dickson | 6/29/2022 |
ALDI | 96 | 781 Highway 46 S | Dickson | 11/8/2022 |
Chappell's Food Store | 93 | 691 Highway 70 E | Dickson | 10/20/2022 |
Country Cupboard | 94 | 499 Hwy 46 S | Dickson | 12/2/2021 |
Kroger | 93 | 143 Henslee Drl | Dickson | 5/18/2022 |
Walmart | 90 | 175 Beasley Dr | Dickson | 5/18/2022 |
The information posted at the Tennessee Department of Agriculture about inspections and the score is valid only at the time the report was made. Conditions are subject to change.
This does not include reports and hazard ratings prior to May 1, 2016. Some food premises may not have reports since that date.
Updated information is posted as often as possible. The TDA State site may not reflect any changes made to correct the hazards identified or any new hazards that may occur subsequent to the time of the last assessment or inspection. In addition, there may be errors or omissions in the information.
Visitors are cautioned against interpreting the status of a particular facility based on only one report. While every effort is made to keep the information up-to-date and ensure that it is accurate, the Department is not responsible for discrepancies between information posted here and the actual inspection reports provided to the food establishment, pool, or water system and maintained on file at the department.
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