Rory Feek Says ‘I Do’ to Daughter’s Teacher

photo from YouTube

Country artist Rory Feek tied the knot on July 14th; he shared all the details on his blog. It has been eight years since the passing of his previous wife, Joey. The two had a duo called Joey + Rory.

Feek shared in a blog post titled “Wedding Singer” that he and Rebecca, a teacher at Hardison Mill school on his farm, exchanged vows under a timber-frame pavilion in Greycliff, Montana.

In an earlier blog post, Feek talked about how Rebecca came to work at the school his daughter, Indiana, attends. Stating, “The story of how Rebecca came to work at the school was a little like a Hallmark movie in itself in some ways.”

And it seems Indiana urged his father, Rory, to marry Rebecca. Feek shared, “And then Indy looked at me and said ‘and I told Miss Rebecca that my Mama’s been gone a long time.  And if she marries you, maybe she could be my new mother…’”

Feek continued, “Needless to say, as I wiped away some tears, I told her I thought that was a wonderful idea. And after more prayer and conversation. We settled on a plan and a date…”

During the wedding, Feek surprised the guests and his new wife by singing a song he wrote titled “I Do.” Feek added, “And although surprising Rebecca by singing a song I wrote for her at the wedding was a wonderful, I think by-far my and her favorite moment of the wedding was this one. When Indiana was given the gift of having a Mama in her life again.”

Watch the video of the song Feek performed below.

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