Study Reveals Tennessee’s Favorite Christmas Movie for 2024

photo from Comparitech

For most of us, it is a tradition to get cozy and watch a holiday movie during the holidays. We all have our must-watch during the season, but if you are curious, this new study shows what residents of Tennesee are watching this year.

This year, 2024’s hottest new release–The Best Christmas Pageant Ever–has topped the charts as the most popular Christmas movie in the U.S., being a must-see in 15 states and the most popular movie for Tennessee.

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According to the study, 31 states opted for a Christmas movie released over the last two years, showcasing that most people are craving something new to feast their eyes upon this year.

14 states chose movies over 20 years old with titles like The Polar Express, Home Alone, and Bad Santa.

Overall, here are the top five most popular movies this year.

  • The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (2024)
  • Red One (2024)
  • Christmas Island (2023)
  • How the Gringo Stole Christmas (2023)
  • Candy Lane (2023)

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