Cheatham County Schools to Offer Daycare Program


Cheatham County Schools has announced that the district will be providing daycare services at Pegram Elementary Fine Arts Magnet School beginning with the 2023-2024 school year.

The Pegram daycare will operate Monday-Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. However, when school is closed for a full day (such as spring break, fall break, Christmas break, summer break and snow days), the Pegram daycare will combine with the KSES daycare at KSES.

The district will no longer be transporting students to KSES once the 2023-2024 school year begins. Pegram students currently enrolled in the daycare program will remain at KSES through Friday, August 4 and they will start at Pegram beginning Monday, August 7.

Due to state guidelines, there will be limited student capacity.

If your child is already enrolled in our daycare program at Kingston Springs Elementary School, you do not need to anything. Your child will be automatically enrolled.

“We have been working diligently over the past few years to get our daycare program back in operation at Pegram. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this process. We look forward to a successful year,” the district stated.Beginning Aug. 7, you can reach the Pegram daycare at 615-952-3166.

Alexandria Betts, who has been with the daycare program for five years, will serve as the Pegram site director. Her email is [email protected].

For any additional information, contact Daycare Supervisor Laura Muncy at [email protected]

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