City of Dickson Police Department Welcomes Newest Officer

dickson police welcomes cory colston
Photo from Dickson Police Department/Facebook

Chief Seth Lyles and the City of Dickson Police Department announced its newest officer to the Dickson Police Department, Cory Colston.

Cory was born and raised in Dickson County and grew up in the Burns area. He attended Dickson County Schools and then went to work while obtaining his high school diploma from Penn Foster High School in 2018. After high school he worked in the construction field for a few years before fulfilling his childhood dream of becoming a law enforcement officer.

Cory stated,” From as far back as I can remember, I have always wanted to be in Law Enforcement. I studied Criminal Justice as my high school degree focus. I feel very blessed to not only realize my childhood dream but to do it in my hometown. Both of my grandfathers served Dickson as civil servants and I look forward to continuing that tradition. It will be my honor to serve the community at large, protect vulnerable populations and maintain a relationship of mutual respect and understanding with the citizens of Dickson County.”

Officer Colston is conducting his in-house training for 2 weeks and will be assigned to a Field Training Officer for a minimum of 12 weeks. He will also attend the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy in July for 12 weeks.

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